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Status Updates posted by 36monsters

  1. Okay, have a screenwriting competition coming up and have to have an entirely original script ready to mail out on the 12th. So far I have the idea and 50% of the outline finished. If i do 12 pages a day that leaves me with 1 day to panic. Think I can do it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. axalon


      Don't ask us, you're the only one who can answer that question.


      Best of luck!

    3. CastorTroy16


      I'd say wait to submit until next year. You don't want the first draft to be your first impression. Take your time and rewrite until it's in the best shape possible to submit.

    4. 36monsters


      You guys are all right, but I love the pressure. If nothing else, it's forcing me to write. This way I get a good draft done and then spend the next six months brushing it up.


  2. Only 6 days until Christmas and I still have people to shop for!!!

    1. Elliott79


      Wait... you mean people do their shopping before Christmas eve??

    2. aphid47


      Ha! I'm heading out today ;)

    3. nazardo


      I just finished and... and it feels like I just finished =)

  3. possibly looking for roommates in March/April...getting a place with a friend who is a director and we want to rent a house in Encino. we have dogs and creativity to spare...but lack funds to get a place truly worthy of our future epicness...anyone interested?

  4. Question for the team...want to write a script based on a book that I HATE...which is why I want to write the script and change everything and make it better than it was before. IF I change it enough and make it a totally new story, how do I go about making sure I'm safe? The book is more of an inspiration than a true adaptation...suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. palostick


      Ideas can't be copyrighted only the execution of some of the key components. ie dialogue, specific character/story beats etc. If you like the premise of the book but want to turn it on its head, then you could be okay. BUt if you intend to use the author's characters or unique story structure in a way that they are still recognisable, I'd say choose another project to spec. BTW Hollywood producers buy scripts and books that "they hate" all year round.

    3. 36monsters


      I hate the book because it's such an interesting idea but the author got about 755 of the way through and did a great job and then phoned in the climax and resolution. The core elements are interesting but based enough on historical fact that I can play fast and loose with her characters without compromising the idea behind it. I guess I'll just finish it and then see what I think.


    4. 36monsters


      Oh and before anyone worries about rights, etc, this was orignally an assignment for a class I took in college to adapt a book. I haven't really decided what to do with it yet, if anything at all, just curious at this point.

  5. Question: Anyone have a list of managers that are taking on new clients? Just wrapped up production on my first feature film and I'd love to have someone who can guide me on my next step.

  6. So apparently my best writing has been done on Imgur. One comment...1500 likes in 24 hours. Now if only I'd get that sort of love with my scripts...

    1. opie100
    2. clydd
    3. Nic.Lishko


      YOU wrote the Blake Snyder post!?

  7. So, new year...new job search. Anyone want to go in on a PW subscription with me?

    1. Bobbylaw


      Pee Wee?

      Pretty Woman?

    2. benskelly2


      Publisher's Weekly?

    3. bladebeam1
  8. Thanksgiving already? Where did 2013 go??

    1. Mr Cakes

      Mr Cakes

      Quazy, huh? This will be a "lost" year for me... Funny, it will always be memorable with the "13" in 2013.

  9. The difference between the sentences "I got staph" and "I got staffed" is just 4 letters and twenty awkward minutes of explaining the difference on the phone to my parents.

    1. adlocke


      i know wHo i'd want to be.

    2. andrewpwoodberry


      Good luck! I've heard penicillin works wonders.

    3. 36monsters


      I really wish we had a "like" option for responses. Thank you andrewpwoodberry!


  10. The Mayan Apocalypse has 4 hours left...With the exception of the announcement that Tyler Perry is putting Kim Kardashian in a movie, I haven't seen much "apocalypting."

    1. admin


      I think that was enough :-)

    2. Storytell


      I am the only survivor of the 2012 Mayan Alocalypse.

  11. Thoughts on romantic comedies...good idea to write or don't waste my time?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zoned


      Write what you enjoy. "Pretty Woman" started off as "3,000". Read both, and let me know if you could see that being a natural mesh between the two tones. If you are going to write it, it really should be fun for you, first. Best wishes on writing it.

    3. Nic.Lishko


      500 Days of Summer and The F Word are great. If those fall in that category then the genre isn't dead. It just needs different angles and not the exact same structure as a Matt M. Movie

    4. 36monsters


      Zoned, thanks for the advice! I'll check those out. I'm thinking "The Cutting Edge" meets "Man from Snowy River."

  12. Where has everyone gone??? The chat room has been so quiet the past few days!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Elliott79


      I usually stop by if there are a couple of people there. Has been quiet recently.

    3. CastorTroy16


      Vacation season....aka launch pad deadline season

    4. 36monsters


      Well, for what it's worth, I miss all your ugly mugs in there. :)


  13. Writer's Assistant done with my current show and on the prowl for the next project. Know any shows getting ready to start staffing in the next few weeks? Resume always available upon request!

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