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Status Updates posted by storymaps99

  1. Saw Young Adult last night. Yikes, what a mess. Felt like a second draft that REALLY needed notes. Did they rush it into production? It was just so thin.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. storymaps99


      Matt, what really worked for you? I felt like it had huge potential but didn't fully develop any one element, instead leaving a bunch of them under-developed and I ultimately didn't get the purpose of it. How did you feel at the end?

    3. Penelope


      Agree with you mostly Dan.


    4. cdsuser


      It's just nice to see a flawed/crazy character of a women. instead of a guy for once. Maybe it's just that I have more crazy women around me then you. I also loved Patton Oswalt he really brought is A game in this.

  2. Is anyone else unable to add House of Cards to your Netflix queue? It's there on the home page to stream, but there's no button to add to queue. Odd.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mysterian


      Be grateful that you get an instant queue at all. Here on the Canadian Netflix we don't get it for anything.

    3. storymaps99


      Jaco: Nope, not doing it (like it does for every other title). It must be intentional on their part, but I can't imagine why. Maybe once you play it, it will keep it at the top of your queue or something, or maybe there will be a separate tab for it? But I don't see anything like that now.

    4. Jaco


      Worked for me.

  3. I have to admit that the new traler for Monsters University looks pretty great. I'm not a fan of Pixar doing sequels, but this one looks leagues ahead of Cars II just based on the trailer.

    1. ... who are those guys?

      ... who are those guys?

      I think Cars 2 wasn't up to par because Cars wasn't up to par. Look at Toy Story. Two sequels, and they were both strong.

    2. benskelly2


      I really enjoyed CARS - I just don't think that world could sustain a sequel. Anyway, it just didn't work. I'm hoping their dinosaur and brain movies are great originals.

    3. storymaps99


      They tried to sell Cars 2 as a passion piece because John Lasetter is supposedly so into cars, but we all know it was about merchandising. On a Disney stockholders call, the CEO said that Cars merch had outsold Star Wars merch. Insane.

  4. Happy Endings is such a great show. There's so much to it that's not in the script -- the direction, the editing, the shot selection, timing, etc. Who is the creative team and what have they done prior?

    1. storymaps99


      They're doing a great job. The pace is so fast, with so many unique reaction shots and bits of business to catch, that it must be very complicated to shoot and edit, but they pull it off. How about the actress who plays Jane, where did she come from? She's hilarious.

    2. Cdrzewie


      I agree the show does not get enough credit, I think because ABC has terrible comedies that it gets sucked down the tubes... Anyway the flow reminds me of scrubs everytime I watch it

    3. admin


      It is easily one of my favorites, and I'm glad to see they paired it with Modern Family this year to boost the ratings and awareness.

  5. This gif of JLaw is hilarious: http://i.imgur.com/2xplpp7.gif

    1. benskelly2


      That exchange with Nicholson was priceless. She's so funny. And adorable, and sexy, and...

    2. specwriter


      But I think her reaction was less "star struck" and more "oh my god this old creep is actually hitting on me." It was really sad to see Jack up to his dirty old man tricks.

    3. solipsistic11


      Jude law needs to cut his hair

  6. AMC greenlights Turn and Halt & Catch Fire.

    1. storymaps99


      Does anyone have Halt & Catch Fire?

    2. ted
    3. storymaps99
  7. My TDKR speculation in Member Reviews is lonely, guys. Let's get some fanboy theories going!

    1. Nic.Lishko


      Afraid to look per spoilers Dan. I definitely heard a ring about a cast member, but have been avoiding any and all news so nothing is ruined. Nothing personal :D!!

    2. SeeriousTimes


      same, I'm too vigilant

    3. storymaps99


      It's all speculation, but I see what you mean. Don't look at the cast list on imdb if you don't want potential spoilers, as there's some surprises there.

  8. Does anyone know if more Black List scripts come out later in the year, rather than earlier? A la most Oscar nominees.

    1. ThaVillain


      I'd venture a guess that yes, more BL scripts are from later in the year. But that's because those scripts are fresher on the minds of voters who've read hundreds of scripts over the course of a year.


      Then again, I have no hard evidence to back this up. So take it with a grain of salt.

    2. LeftyJones


      The converse is sometimes true too. You always get a couple high up that didn't necessarily make a splash as specs, because they were quietly set up but then over a period of months passed from person to person until their presence was just ubiquitous. So I'd say it tends to be a mixed bag.


      I also know someone who was baffled to be on the list last year because his script was three years old. And wasn't actively submitted anywhere. But just enough voters saw it so...

    3. storymaps99


      So a script that comes out in Oct, Nov or maybe even Dec has a chance to place on the list?

  9. Christian Bale visited the victims in an Aurora hospital, unannounced and not on WB's behalf. The guy's a class act and I look forward to him getting back to smaller character roles.

    1. Hasmap


      Good on him. What great gesture and thing to do to go out of his way for them.

    2. sangun


      He's such a weirdo that it seems strangely more sincere than if an Anne Hathaway did it.

    3. Taragel


      Or at least a class act when he's not reaming out some poor grip.

  10. You realize Nolan is just toying with us? Every review of TDKR uses words like "EPIC, MONSTROUS, INCREDIBLY AMBITIOUS, HUGE, SPECTACLE. I was worried that I'd seen too much footage, but it's clear he's holding back. We have no idea what he has in store for us. Can't believe only a few more days until Thursday night midnight, baby!!!

    1. Hasmap


      I was actually found the making of the Dark Knight Trilogy today in a book shop and sat down and start reading. Very nicely done(from what I read). The script part where The Nolans and Goyer described their process of writing and choosing the charaters is very interesting. And that Levitt's John Blake is actually an orphan, who Gordon took under his wing. They aimed for Wayne, Bane and Blake to have a link to each other. So, it begs the question: Does this make him a replacement for Wayne...

    2. storymaps99


      La la la fingers in ears! Please no potential spoilers! I've already seen and speculated too much: http://tinyurl.com/7xjqgek

    3. Hasmap


      Yeah, no I won't. Going to see it on friday myself so, we'll just leave it at that.

  11. LOUIE fans: I've got an interview with Louis C.K. and some thoughts on the show on my blog: http://actfourscreenplays.com/blog/

    1. Elliott79


      Louie season 2 was some of the best television in years.


      Each episode was an esoteric short story.

    2. storymaps99


      I agree. Most of the episodes could be described as a stand-alone short story, actually.

  12. MAD MEN RETURNS APRIL 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. vbn2019
    2. specwriter


      Is this a new photo of the Mad Men cast? If so, why does only The Daily Beast have it and not The New York Times?! http://tinyurl.com/bh6u8cn

  13. If Sam Jackson tells you to say the n-word, do you say it?

    1. bcscreenwriter


      This is politcal correctness run amok. The interview embarrassed himself with his reponse. What a wuss.

    2. storymaps99


      I dunno, I probably would have refused, too. That soundbyte of you saying the n-word will live on context-free for eternity, right after it's played over and over on "Talk Soup." ;-)

  14. Watched the season five opener of Breaking Bad -- holy shit, it's coming back harder then ever! Incredible. And I might just be persuaded to share the streaming login for a 24-48 hour window if someone has something awesome to swap? :-)

    1. aphid47


      I have an abundance of gratitude I'd be willing to share with you ;)

    2. storymaps99


      I'm looking for interviews for my blog with working writers, directors and producers, and of course any hot screeners you might have. Message me and I'll shoot you my email.

  15. Is that Hunger Games movie out yet? ;-)

    1. sangun


      A movie? I thought it was a new Fox reality show with Gordon Ramsay?

    2. Nic.Lishko


      Isn't that what the eating part of Fear Factor is called?

  16. Any chance of The Help ekeing in as Best Pic or is The Artist a lock?

  17. Mad Men Teaser Trailer, you are certainly a tease because you feature NO NEW FOOTAGE! Harumph to you.

    1. Nic.Lishko


      HA! When I first read that I thought you said it featured FOUND FOOTAGE! That would be the worst Episode EVER!

    2. storymaps99


      David Holzman's Diary tie-in?

  18. Michael Bay cast an 18 year-old actress in Transformers 4. The older he gets...the girls just stay the same age. ;-)

    1. admin


      alright, alright, alright...

    2. Finley


      Sounds like Wooderson's line in 'Dazed and Confused'.

  19. Harmon back on Community.

    1. dsjones


      Awesome, missed the Bite this season.

  20. My interview with the brilliant Louis C.K. of "Louie" fame on FX: http://tinyurl.com/4yf2lnj

    1. typistolero


      Nice! I'll check it out.

  21. So who's going to write the movie about how we're all going to pay more taxes while our elected leaders just gave themselves a pay raise?

    1. Penelope


      It will just be the plotline for an episode of The Newsroom, that's all.

  22. Catching up on some movies via screener. TED the movie is much better than the script. The performances of the hilarious cast improved upon the script, which felt like EVERY SINGLE JOKE was an 80s reference. Giovanni Ribisi, Sam Jones and of course the bear added so much.

    1. storymaps99


      Joel McHale and Patrick Warburton, too. Especially Warburton, hilarious. :-) But I'm still baffled as to why it's the #1 R-rated comedy of all time.

  23. Know any horror producers/execs who would be into an 80s-style horror spec with practical makeup fx, no cgi? Please see my post in "Works in Progress" at the bottom of the forums.

    1. Elliott79


      Would love to read it, Dan. Enjoyed the synopsis.

  24. Anyone ever meet Steve Jobs or at least see him speak? What's his most important accomplishment to you?

    1. Elliott79


      Without him, Pixar wouldn't exist as we currently know it.


      RIP Steve.

  25. Is the Mike Deluca "On the Slate" article exclusive to this site or is it copied from another site?

    1. CookieMonster


      It's exclusive to this one, I believe.

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