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Status Updates posted by admin

  1. FYI - Big updated Comic Con Party Grid hitting the site tomorrow! Be on the look out.

  2. FYI - The clickable spec lists & pilot lists have been moved to the new forum "THE LISTS"

  3. FYI: By request we've moved the Specs and Pilots lists & links to their own forums. Seems a few people didn't know where they are, so hopefully this helps!

  4. Gotta give props to everyone for amping up the F/E contributions. Thanks to everyone!

    1. Jabbatron


      It really needed it. Thanks!

  5. Gotta say, its kind of exciting watching the TB guys & Gals break new talent via their coverage program! Go new writers, go!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. showrunning


      Wonderfully exciting, guys. Congrats to all!

    3. Mike


      Fantastic for all. Now TB has to start a clinic on what to do in the room. Cos seriously that's where it really starts. I mean once you write something that gets you there.

    4. RazorBlade1968


      Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I always felt MARROW was a good script, but the response its getting has been better than I was prepared for and nothing short of amazing. Hope dietgreentea and I represent the TB crowd well.

  6. Haha. I can't help but laugh at this - http://bit.ly/egghWT

  7. Happy Almost New Years to All of you here at TB!

    1. RDMK



  8. HAPPY V-Day Everyone!

  9. Have an action packed night of TV planned with new episodes of 'The Walking Dead', 'True Detective' and 'Black Sails'. That's some must watch TV!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. aphid47


      Myst, I watched the first three episodes of Longmire. It's pretty good so far.

    3. craktactor


      Orphan Black, hellz yeah! She/They remind me of a few girlfriends from the past. I escaped unharmed, physically anyway.

    4. aphid47


      emotionally is another story


  10. Have fun at Comic Con everyone!

  11. Helping TB get this book out there. Please tweet, retweet, three tweet as much as you can #specbook - Ladies & Gents, we are very proud to introduce our "2013 Spec Market: Year in Review" w/ 350 pages of exclusive data http://bit.ly/NEzzOe

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Foz90


      Incredible effort.

    3. sankofa



    4. Zoned


      This IS great! I mean, like - songs should be written about you guys by Muses to be sung by a choir of merry Mermaids - great! THIS is the definitive guide to the spec market, with an aesthetically pleasing design that can actively engage the user's imagination. Or to be specific: Good job! Thank you! * Amazing *

  12. Hey everyone if you have an end of year list similar to the ones Cakes and Jaco did in the LISTS section here that you'd like to go up on the site, take a look there and add one in. Can't promise they'll all make the site, but it'll be fun!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Michael L

      Michael L

      Thank you... I hadn't scrolled down enough.

    3. axalon


      Very cool of you to post those Red

    4. laurenstotts


      Great lists. I prefer script recommendations from you guys over my regular selection technique, which is based on oracle bones.

  13. Hey gang - due to the onslaught of people deciding not to read the guidelines to posting and doing ISOs, from here on out, postings in the wrong category will simply be deleted, and the posting member will have to have all future posts approved. Do all of your fellow community a plus, and spend 2 minutes reading the ISO guidelines in the ISO section.

    1. StringerBell


      I haven't noticed any onslaught because I'm not here very often. Would you mind detailing what people are doing wrong? Thanks.

    2. Penelope


      speaking of.. there is currently 3 different ISO topics for Person of Interest... good searching everyone!

  14. Hey guys - be sure to check out the "Hello My Name is" section for Member / Development Exec @ Bigfoot looking for new projects to buy.

  15. Hey guys - free invite to the Straw Dogs Screening @ Sony tonight - free booze as well :-) See EVENTS section.

  16. HEY GUYS - FYI: there are currently problems uploading files. They are being looked into, and we hope to have an immediate fix on Weds.

    1. admin


      UPDATE: Problem still exists, and is still being worked on (10:30 am)

  17. Hey guys, be sure to jump on Twitter to follow the Q&A Session with manager Brian McCurley from DMG Entertainment! It's live NOW!

  18. Hey guys, Chris & Matt from TB main are going to be guests on Scriptchat Twitter interviews at 5pm PST today. Join in the fun, if you guys would like to - Twitter #Scriptchat

  19. Hey guys, here is a polite reminder to all members of the limit of 25 downloads per week, per the forum guidelines!

  20. Hey guys, I am hanging out in CHAT today to answer any questions, etc

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dreammachine02


      Libary tab is gone for me with the new look, no big deal but it was nice having it there...

    3. admin


      LIB tab: It's up and down as adjustments are ongoing, but the files never go away... so you know, you'll just have to scroll down about 3 inches to see the actual link :-) At least for the moment.

    4. sbbn


      Why does it say I've been kicked the minute I try to get to the chat room? It says I'm kicked but it doesn't look like I actually am...?

  21. Hey guys, I am hanging out in CHAT today to answer any questions, etc

  22. Hey guys, I'm looking to see if any of you guys are interested in helping out as mods on the forums this year? Lost a few of my fellow colors last year. Any interest?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sankofa


      just got a pm :)

    3. Penelope


      Just sent a PM, not really interesting in being a color but I'd love to be able to keep the ISO forum a little (LOT) more organized.

    4. Mike


      Do you really want foxes in the henhouse?

  23. Hey guys, if you have any questions about forum sections you'd like to see, or thnk we can do without, let us know.

  24. Hey guys, look for a New OWA Grid Coming later this week!

    1. tracesheehan


      TB Red-- you're awesome. Thank you so much for the scripts.

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