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Number One Stunner

I wrote my first screenplay. I'll say it again. I wrote my first screenplay, and even though I've never written one before, I did it just like that, and this is how I did it. I started it on sept. 23 or 24 after I saw a status update asking what are you writing this weekend? It sat with me on football sunday that I wasn't writing anything and really hadn't been writing since I chose to become a writer as a New Years resolution at the start of 2013. I've read over 60 screenplays this year and fel



Why Are So Many Writers Snarky?

You've heard some version of the cliche that most writers who are in the struggling phase of their career are frustrated. And this causes their writing to suffer. There's some truth to this, but it's not the writing that suffers, but their personality. Always being in a half baked critical frame of mind where their always trying to demystify something. It could be the writing process itself or what motivated someone to take an approach and where it faltered. This keeps the writer in a pendulum o



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