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Status Updates posted by nazardo

  1. If a magician entertains everyone in his audience that isn’t a magician... and said magicians say the show sucked... did it REALLY suck? Or did the magicians’ overawareness of how the tricks are done cloud their ability to sit back and enjoy the show?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Shining1


      Oh. My. God.... YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES rules! One of my all time faves. Curse the remake they're trying to do, along with THEY LIVE and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK and THE NEVERENDING STORY. Curses everywhere

    3. ... who are those guys?

      ... who are those guys?

      Young Sherlock Holmes... attack of the pastries,

    4. nazardo


      Big fan of YSH too and great point about CGI. Even laymen have turned to experts on that, and I can't even fathom what can trump CGI.

  2. THE BOY WHO HARNESSED THE WIND. Other movie titles that unintentionally make you think about farts... Go!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. ... who are those guys?
    3. Shining1


      In & Out, Deep Rising, Joe Vs. The Volcano, Booty Call

    4. andrewpwoodberry
  3. Working on a script during your day job is still TECHNICALLY being paid to write, right? =)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ThaVillain


      Wish I could put FD on my work comp. Mostly I do outlines, notes, etc. in Word. Or just read scripts during downtime.

    3. nazardo


      Yeah, I can't install FD either so I do what you do but also will write in a format FD can easily import once home.

    4. Shining1


      Ha! We share the same mindset. I always refer to writing on down time as getting paid through work!

  4. TIMECOP REMAKE should be about someone going back in time to stop the making of the original film so the remake feels fresh.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Reader George

      Reader George

      Mystery, Alaska a pleasant surprise.

      Slapshot also one of Newman's best roles.

    3. craktactor


      I ex[ect nothing but "shat" when it comes to the Ducks "of Anaheim". GO KINGS!!!

    4. Mike



  5. LOVING new external monitor / keyboard. SO much better than writing on a laptop!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaco


      That's my set up as well - but with a Toshiba laptop - works great because in the office I get the dual monitor setup and then when I travel I have the laptop to go with me.

    3. aphid47


      I do the same, but with a flat screen television


    4. sangun


      As far as posture you could do what a lot of editors do which is sit on one of those balance/exercise balls.

  6. JEMIYAH JONES & THE FAIRIES OF NIR – THE AWAKENING OF BALIEKAH PEARL. Forget the 1st 10 rule -- I lost interest during the title!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mike


      When their fearless, but narcoleptic leader, Baliekah Pearl nods off during a penultimate battle, Jemiyah Jones and her legion of Faries must race to find a sleep wizard who can awaken Beliekah before Nir is destroyed by killer moths. I kid, of course. Kooky title.

    3. nazardo


      I still haven't got to the end of the title and am concerned about the poor bastard outside movie theater who is gonna have to fit it all on the marque.

    4. sangun


      The producing company's address is a Mr. Mail in Hollywood. I'd probably watch a Mr. Mail movie.

  7. Goddamnit! Walking dead are so played out and I'm STILL gonna write this Horror Zombedy :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dsjones


      I think he meant zombies, not the show...

    3. Frobisher


      Yes, I thought he meant "Walking dead" as a synecdoche for zombies too. I was referring to the fact that even though something is played out, it can still be popular.

    4. nazardo


      Thanks Frobisher. I'm super passionate about the idea and having a blast writing it. I usually don't worry about market trends. It's just weird to be having so much fun ADDING to a trend I'm kind of getting sick of. Brainnnssssssss

  8. I liked The Host and 9% of Rotten Tomatoes agrees with me =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sly0712


      Don't worry ds, (s)he's being fictitious.

    3. nazardo


      He wishes he was, but it's true. I got dragged to it but enjoyed it. There WERE a lot of cringe worthy moments but the bizarre love quadrangle worked for me, stirring up feelings of love lost. My heart took over for my mind for 2 hours. Maybe I'm just a sucker for love stories and need to stop avoiding them.

    4. sbbn


      9%... that's impressive it was able to get that high of numbers.


  9. Um... does the logline for Dodgeball 2 REALLY have to be kept under wraps?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elliott79


      Wonder if it'll have another inspirational Lance Armstrong cameo... possibly not.

    3. nazardo


      That would actually be a riot and good PR move for Lance.

    4. dsjones


      The focus is getting Lance back in the game.

  10. In the zone and loving it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nazardo


      Wouldn't that be the best? An ACTUAL room you could enter where everything just flows onto the page? The words have never poored out as easily as they are right now for me. It's the the absolute tits =)

    3. Mike


      Make sure you spell check it. :-)

    4. nazardo


      Dude, that's what the SPELL CHECK ROOM will be for ;)

  11. Watching the herring run on Cape Cod. Poor bastards have to fight the current, swim UP waterfalls, all while avoiding poaching seagulls. But the reward is sweet: when they make it to the top they get their spawn on like its nobody's business.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nazardo


      Lol. I meant waterfalls from herrings' POV. 2 foot rocks with water plunging straight down and they still find a way to get over them. It's inspiring.

    3. sbbn


      So I'm trying out the online dating thing right now and your description is pretty apt for that... (although, I can't complain, I've had it much less rough than many of the stories I hear of rejection and psychopaths).

    4. nazardo


      Lol. Yeah. Life of a herring is MUCH easier than online dating. I always wanted to see a Match.com commercial with all the horror stories I've heard. "My first date tried to chloroform and make a skin suit out of me... it was love at first sight".


    1. tbwhite


      Worse. Premise gone wasted.

    2. ... who are those guys?

      ... who are those guys?

      The premise makes no sense to me - at least in how it's presented in the trailers.

    3. nazardo


      The script wasn't a great execution of the premise but it was far better than the movie. They changed all the interesting parts of the script and made the premise even more confusing.

  13. Men in Black 4: Who's gonna play the younger version of Josh Brolin?

    1. aphid47


      Josh Hartnett

    2. nazardo


      Lol. That could work.

  14. GTA V $800 Million 1st day. Yowza.

    1. axalon


      Very impressive and well deserved

    2. Shining1


      I got my copy, first day!

  15. Hard to write when your muse is sleeping. Even harder when she has a hangover.

    1. Mike


      Someone once said great revolutions in thought come on doves feet. Is your muse avian? If not, give her a Tommy Burger with chile fries, six gallons of water, that aughtta kick start her. If not, put a nickel in her poison purse a pray for rain.

    2. nazardo


      Mike I shit you not but a little bird just knocked itself silly flying into my balcony window. I watched it twitch for a few minutes unsure how to help. Finally tapped on glass. It hopped up and took flight. Muse back in business. Who says near death experiences have to be your own? :)

  16. Thoughts and prayers to all those touched by the tragedy in CT today. Hold your loved ones tight tonight.

  17. Just saw trailer for John Dies as the End and it looks like it will live up to the script! Coscarelli rocks.

  18. Finally saw Premium Rush and pissed my favorite line from script ("Monster Hand" as Monday dies) was cut!

    1. sbbn


      The movie wasn't as good as the script. Sadly.


  19. Glad to hear back from you. I am really sorry if you have been getting passes because of my posts. I was trying to praise it while warning why it might not sell... I didn't mean to scare potential takers off :( If I could do it over again I would have PM'd you. I'm thrilled you are deservedly getting attention in spite of my posts. Like I said I love the script. My fingers are crossed as well!

  20. GT5 $800 Million 1st Day. Yowza.

  21. I don't appreciate the bashing. I didn't do anything to you. I took time to read the script and praised it. You emailed me saying you were depressed and my comment was destructive... but you are getting agent/manager interest?? Why aren't you thrilled? Anyone who posts here should be ready for feedback good or bad. I would never have read the script had I known you would react so poorly...

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