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Status Updates posted by Nic.Lishko

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nic.Lishko


      Why? To both. I will say this, I don't like how Thor suddenly looks way different then in the movie Thor.

    3. storymaps99


      Loki was never a huge villain, at least from what I saw. He's the god of mischief, not evil. They needed a villain like Galactus, the eater of worlds. The villain is just as important as the heroes in an action movie.

    4. Nic.Lishko


      The thing I liked about the trailer was that virtually nothing was told or shown. I would bet he's not the only villain, that would be a tad ridiculous...

  1. OH MY YES

    1. Nic.Lishko
    2. sbbn


      Honey, put on that party dress, buy me a drink, sing me a song...

  2. Okay, which one of my British friends thought it was a good idea to do a Johnny English 2? 8 years after the original?

  3. On my way to see X-men First Class and NOT Green Lantern. Just wanted to make sure that was clear...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nic.Lishko


      It was most excellent. I will watch these careers with great interest.

    3. Cyber Hater

      Cyber Hater

      And what was all that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?

    4. Nic.Lishko
  4. On phone with producer regarding comedy series. He wants us to cut down on the drama, but wants "drama like stakes" in the pilot. #WTF

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Reader George

      Reader George

      And the next one up the chain will want alien zombies. Good luck!

    3. Mike


      A note that stupid does not come from someone who has a clue what they are talking about. So walk away. You won't lose as much as you will by staying. It's literally nonsense.

    4. Nic.Lishko


      If only it were so simple. The guy happens to be a friend and this is 3 years worth of free rewrites. This is the last one before I let it go for good. Thanks everyone for all the excellent comments!!

  5. on the culver city lot today! Justified office. Best day ever!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mike


      So Chuck, you're saying you didn't get my sixty bucks?

    3. Nic.Lishko


      No sir! ;) topped the night off by bowling with rj mitte. Officially the craziest day I've had in la!

    4. Mysterian


      So... Justified and a Breaking Bad connection in one day? Cool.

  6. Once Upon a Time is the best new series of the fall thus far. Also enjoyed Grimm and I'm still grasping onto Revenge and Person of Interest. Waiting for Hell on Wheels. You?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Cyber Hater

      Cyber Hater

      @ Charlie: it's called "Google". It's your friend when you don't have pay channels.

    3. Nic.Lishko


      I hear ya. I just know that the torrenting/demonoid/icefilms/megashares stuff is frowed upon, so I was trying to point them out...

    4. Nic.Lishko


      to NOT point them out. Whoops. I guess I did.

  7. One of the first scripts I ever tackled was an adaptation of Ocarina of Time. Netflix, give me the job.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. craig


      Ha. Great thread.

    3. characterARC


      A lot of my fan stuff is on my co-writer's old PC. If I can get him to find the files, I'd love to upload it.

    4. Movieguy


      I'm GAME (eh?) as well

  8. Paste your favorite screenwriting column in the comments below! I'll start...

  9. People! We need to have a chat come Friday! WHO IS IN?! We'll work out the time once we know who's coming.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. npquinn


      6pm PST I'll be lurkin'.

    3. Reader George

      Reader George

      Noonish PST is good for me.


    4. Reader George

      Reader George

      I should be able to jump in earlier than noon as well...

  10. Perhaps I'll use a Death Cab for Cutie song title as my next spec title. Seems legit/like a good idea.

    1. Penelope


      It's a great idea and would be better than most of the crap titles that sold last year.

      Title and Registration and A Lack of Color both sound great to me.

    2. Nic.Lishko


      I also like I Will Posses your Heart or Unobstructed Views.

  11. Pilot: Done. Animated spec: Done. One to go for queries. Question: When querying a TV pilot, do you also submit a bible or just the pilot?

    1. Reader George

      Reader George

      You should have a succinct bible with key character profiles available upon request. At the end of the day you'll need to demonstrate series longevity. You should at least have loglines for a full season. I thought I saw a detailed pitch for The Wire uploaded to the library.

    2. Nic.Lishko


      I appreciate you George. Thanks a ton!

    3. n.keetch


      If you're just querying agents and managers then a bible isn't strictly necessary. They want to see good writing. If they think you're idea is worth taking out to producers then they'll ask you to produce a series treatment/pitch/bible. The extent of what you will need varies, but you see people offering pretty in-depth show breakdowns these days (especially from writers who aren't established).


  12. Posted a review of Sanctuary over in the members review sections...wrote a bunch of plot stuff out as well. Let me know what you thought of the script!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nic.Lishko


      Yeah, I pretty much write it scene by summary scene until about 3/4th's of the way through. YOU CHOSE...WISELY.

    3. storymaps99


      Have you read Our Name is Adam? I got through the first act, and found it's impossible not to picture Tom Cruise murdering the role since it's so wrong for him. I could be wrong, but it seems like more of a Bill Murray or Bradley Cooper role.

    4. Nic.Lishko


      I have not yet Dan, but I'll definitely check it out!

  13. Posted in Chit Chat my most anticipated summer flicks. Script reviews are coming back very very soon btw.

  14. Posted my review of Murder of a Cat from the Black List. CHECK IT OUT!!!!Happy Friday Everyone!

  15. Posted my review of The Rabbit. Enjoy.

    1. tbblue


      Thanks for the review, gonna have to peep this tonight!

  16. Posted my review/thoughts on The Butler. A pretty damn good black list script.

  17. Posted thoughts on I, Alex Cross in the reviews section.

  18. Query letters sent. If Henchman comes across your desk today, give it a chance. I promise it'll be worth your time.

  19. Query letters: Send them out NEXT WEEK or wait until January?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nic.Lishko
    3. ThaVillain


      I've always wondered this. Thanks for asking Charlie, and thanks for answering Red!


      Guess I've got another month to revise/polish!

    4. admin


      The town starts to soft shut down the Monday before Thanksgiving, and the week following it's all but zombies at the office.

  20. Question to you all: I'm moving to LA in late December. What could I be doing NOW to make my resume look better? Learn Final Cut? Master Pro Tools? Learn how to write coverage? Thoughts and ideas please

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. sangun


      Elliot79 - it's weirdly helpful in both instances. You could sound like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins and probably get a meeting a meal.

    3. mikeyP_73


      Save your money before moving out (which you probably are doing) and intern for free for a couple of prodcos/agencies/networks/studios/etc in your home state that have ties to LA or that are shooting in your home state. Make some connections, get references - prove you are reliable and hard working... as well as nice to work along side of every day =)

    4. Nic.Lishko


      Sweet! thanks for all of the suggestions everyone!

  21. Quick movie review's: Submarine - 3.5/5, Cowboys and Aliens - BARELY 3/5.

    1. storymaps99


      My recent DVD views...

      Insidious: Kinda scary but not THAT scary.

      Serenity: Unwatchable if you're not a fan of the TV show. 20-25 minutes of exposition to begin the film? Ugh -- I'm now really worried about Whedon's Avengers.

      Lifeboat, Hitchcock -- very dated and hoaky, can't say it stands the test of time very well.

    2. Cyber Hater

      Cyber Hater

      BDrip review - "the exorcist" scared the shit outta me. "The Fall" is BEAUTIFUL. "Haloween" has been on repeat. Carpenter's version is way more solid than Zombie's (admirable) re-make.

    3. Nic.Lishko


      Sweet, thanks dudes!

  22. Quick Review: Dear Satan was a really fun read and exactly what a spec should look like. At least one good job in ever new scene. Well done. 4/5.

  23. Read two great scripts on drive from CO to AZ yesterday. The Bitter Pill (slow, but ends strong) and The Death of Archer Newman (awesome, odd last page, better graphic novel than movie. Not sure how it would work...).

    1. ThaVillain


      How did you read two scripts while driving? I have trouble reading one text behind the wheel!


      In all seriousness, I couldn't get past the slow start of Bitter Pill. Maybe I'll give it a second chance. Gotta check out Archer Newman...

    2. Nic.Lishko


      You gotta balance the hacked TouchPad with the wheel...It can be done. Lots of quick swerves ;)

      I hear you, I hear you. Nothing even remotely interesting happens until page 42....THEN I couldn't put it down. Give it another go and let me know what ya think :D

  24. Reading Inglesby's Run All Night (Thank you shaky :D) I don't remember Low Dweller (other than loving it) but Brad gets away with being very novelish in his descriptions...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hwood Trojan

      Hwood Trojan

      They're just so long and meaningless sometimes though! lol

    3. specwriter


      Didn't get Low Dweller, thought it was derivative and the characters didn't do anything for me. Seen this story a million times.

    4. Nic.Lishko


      Thought it was written pretty dang well... :D

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